Beep Beep
If you don't yet have a song stuck in your head, be sure to check out Rocketboom today for the remedy.
(cross posted to Buzz and via Sutter)
If you don't yet have a song stuck in your head, be sure to check out Rocketboom today for the remedy.
(cross posted to Buzz and via Sutter)
Posted at 13:42 1 comments
The third result for the query [ayn rand is a nut] is the following comment:
They like Ayn Rand books and raping bunny rabbits in the name of Liberty. And I'll be damned if those bunny fuckers are gonna hijiack our country.
Posted at 15:06 1 comments
I was born at 1:19a CST on September 24, 1976. Which means that today (the 23rd) is actually my birthday since I now live in California ... or at least I'll be 29 at 11:19p.
I've often thought it would be nice if you could somehow biologically sense the exact moment of your natal anniversary. You know, like a soft pop that you'd feel in your lungs, like a turkey timer going off, echoing the moment of your first breath.
Humans aren't well atuned to annual cycles, I guess. Something for a subsequent release.
Posted at 14:26 3 comments
Biz claims to have seen me in a blue blazer at some point in time and offers as proof a picture of me in a decidedly non-blue blazer.
That kid is whack, yo.
Moreover, he owes me a check for $18 since I last rocked the BB at my bar mitzvah. What kinda jackass shows up to your bar mitzvah uninvited and doesn't even give you a present. Also, when I was 13, Biz was, like, 24 ... which is pretty sketchy.
Funnily enough, I actually did go buy some wedding attire this weekend. This, as the result of a conversation with my mom:
Mom: So, you have something to wear to the wedding?
Me: Dunno ... what should I wear?
Mom: Well, a blazer would be nice.
Me: ...
Mom: Or just anything nice.
Me: ... I've got some Dockers.
Mom: So, we'll just tell everyone that you're from California.*
And I realized why I don't enjoy shopping for clothes ... I don't know how to dress myself. I've got no idea what pants go with what jacket go with what tie. When I finally got asked "Do you need any help?" I'd never been so ready to say "Yes!" in my entire life.
* This exchange measured out as a low-level Class 2 on the Jewish Mother Guilt Trip Scale - compliance was not strictly necessary but I wanted some new threads anyway.
Posted at 13:37 4 comments
I recently re-watched Errol Morris' first film, Gates of Heaven. It's plainly awesome. The second half, which concerns a family-run pet cemetery in Napa Valley, is stronger than the first half. But it's a ton of fun all around, especially as a portrait of Northern California in the late 1970s.
Amazingly, Bubbling Well Memorial Park is still around and living large on the World Wide Web.
I wonder how many fans of the film end up going to the cemetary just to check it out. It's tantalizing close to home.
Posted at 20:30 1 comments
Yesterday I rode my bike across the Golden Gate Bridge and all the way to Tiburon ... which is a whole municipality farther than I'd ever ridden before.
It was a lot of fun but today I feel as tho' I was suspended by my groin for about twelve hours.
Also the LA Blackout took out my blog for about 4 hours (Dreamhost, not Blogger, was affected).
I feel these things are connected somehow.
Posted at 16:24 0 comments
What I learned from Joel Schumacher in the Lost Boys commentary: If you need to get maggots to squirm around, spritz them with lemon.
Posted at 15:46 1 comments
Not sure how I didn't notice this earlier, but PlayOn has an amazingly good set of posts featuring statistical analysis of World of Warcraft.
Beautiful graphs, too.
Posted at 14:32 0 comments
Joan Walsh in Salon:
The death toll from Katrina is likely to be higher than 9/11, but most of its victims will be black and poor, and I doubt we'll wage a war on poverty and neglect to match the war on terror launched after al-Qaida struck -- and if we did, I doubt it would be any more effective.
Posted at 11:05 0 comments